An image of a purple circle with a blue center.An image of a purple circle with a blue center.
CCSA - Certified Computer Systems Analyst

The Certified Computer Systems Analyst (CCSA) course equips you with essential skills for a career as a Systems Analyst. It covers fundamental concepts in network management, hardware, software, and basic cloud tools. This vendor-neutral course is designed to prepare you for the CCSA certification exam.

Service Desk
System Analyst
Jr Network Admin
Jr Cloud Admin
Jr Security Admin
Course Contents
01. Module 1
3 lectures
25 min
02. Module 2
3 lectures
25 min
03. Module 3
3 lectures
25 min
04. Module 4
3 lectures
25 min
05. Module 5
3 lectures
25 min
06. Module 6
3 lectures
25 min
07. Module 7
3 lectures
25 min
An image of a purple circle with a blue center.decorstar decorstar decorstar decor
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